Wednesday, October 15, 2008

October 15th, 2008 - Fuck You Number 4

I have a friend...wait, no, let's call them an acquaintance. We don't regularly see each other. In fact, the only time we really communicate is via IM or email while we're both sitting in front of these so-called technological devices that have turned into nothing more than four-figure masturbation assistants. Though somewhat convenient, I'll touch upon my extreme disdain for the personal computer in a future post. At any rate, I digress. The main purpose of this first paragraph is to illustrate the importance (or lack thereof) of the relationship between my acquaintance and I. [Pat] and I went to the same university. We both majored in information technology. And believe it or not, we both (separately) at one point in time shared bodily fluids with the same person. We have similar interests, and in all honesty if I needed something, Pat would probably be there for me. So why does Pat feel the constant urge to be perceived as better than everyone? Why after being told of a recent success in the workplace does Pat find the need to inform me of a success of equal or greater magnitude? 

It’s simple.

Pat is what I like to call, a big-timer. You know them. We all know them. Big-timers make up a part of the world’s population that I try my hardest to avoid. I fear that if put in a situation where I am being big-timed by one of these lowlife individuals, the probability of someone’s fist being put through the back of someone else’s face is very, very high. 

And I would have done just this, if our method of communication hadn't been over the information super-highway. Why couldn't Pat have just given me an old-fashioned, "Congratulations."

Fuck big-timers. Fuck those participants in our society who tear us down, just to build themselves up.


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