At the beginning of the year, we watched a young teen idol try to make minced-meat out of the face of his, ahem, love interest. Then, we sat back and ridiculed and crucified an athlete who served his time, and accepted the consequences for his actions. And most recently, we witnessed a reality television star mutilate his ex-wife.
WTF America? It seems there are quite a few of us who have our heads up our asses.
No one however has their head further up there ass than Mr. Kanye West. Kanyeezy, Yeezy, Air Yeezy; the afrocentric Chicagoan who for one reason or another can't seem to get enough of himself. Unfortunately, the guy hasn't done anything positive for music since laying down some solid beats for Talib Kweli's Quality.
Let's look at what he's done since:
- He's taken others' ideas and music, and tried to make it his own (that's a given).
- He gave us auto-tune (hopefully Jigga stepped up and finally put it to rest).
- He has made a CLOWN out of himself on stage numerous times in an attempt to maliciously attack his fellow artists...
Wait a minute, that last one could be seen in a positive light, however his last stunt pulled on "TEENAGER" Taylor Swift at this year's MTV Video Music Awards was nothing short of appalling. Furthermore, the ass-faced producer claims he recognized it was a heartless thing to do moments after letting the words escape his mouth into the microphone in front of millions...can I throw the bullshit flag here, or does someone else want to? Even President Obama has reportedly commented on your lack of decency and respect for your "colleagues." You dick.
I can only hope (and an awfully big hope it is) that this most recent episode kills your career.
Fuck you Kanye West. And fuck the doctor who didn't leave your jaw wired shut back in '05.