I was standing near the red carpet at the premier of Wolverine in Tempe, Arizona last night.
"Oh my god, like, I totally just saw Hugh Jackman and Taylor Kitsch?! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!"
Those are the words I hear screamed over, and over.
And Over.
I hear them screamed so many times that there is a point where I find myself peering into the mirrored sunglasses of the blonde 20-something standing next to me. And no, I'm not trying to look into her soul in order to try and score a piece of ass for this evening. I'm checking to see if my fucking ears are bleeding.
Jesus H.
When did celebrities become Gods? The Greeks had Aphrodite and Zeus; the Egyptians, Ra and Amun. Our society has become so lazy, we don't even attempt to CREATE our own. We settle for Angelina, and Patrick Dempsey.
This just in: you all are fucking clueless. These people our society idolizes are exactly like you and I. Believe it. There is nothing "special" about them.
Hugh Jackman is NOT REALLY Wolverine.
Fuck envy, and more-so, fuck all of you insecure assholes that hold Sarah Jessica Parker's life in a higher regard than the person sitting in the cubicle next to you.
2 years ago
I've never gotten the whole "starstruck" thing. Why are you impressed? It's just their fucking job! Be impressed by teachers or nurses or whatever, but celebrities? wtf?!!