Thursday, June 18, 2009

June 18th, 2009 - Fuck You Numbers 32 AND 33

Does anyone else see a significant problem in our judicial system here in the good ol' US of A?

Case in point - Check out the article here.

I recently touched upon a DUI that I unfortunately received September 29th, 2007. I was slightly more impaired than Mr. Stallworth was in the events mentioned in the news article above. I received a sentence of 15 days in jail, among a plethora of other guidelines that I was required to uphold and obligations I was instructed to fulfill. Due to Mr. Stallworth's monetary settlement with the family of the victim, he was sentenced to serve only 30 days in jail...yes that's correct - 30. And I say victim's family because in this particular scenario, a human being died.


I will steer clear (pun intended) of venturing into any elaborate details regarding how effed in the heads the family of the victim are for seemingly placing a price on their son's head. They're greedy prerogative is no business of mine. On the other hand, what kind of message are we sending to our children, and those individuals who will grow to represent our country after we have aged too old to do so?

I personally am appalled by what has happened here. Let me reiterate, 15 days for DUI; 30 days for DUI with vehicular manslaughter. If you've been contemplating scrubbing someone from this Earth, keep this little fact in mind.

Fuck America's judicial system. Fuck how ass-backwards this system is, and how it proves once again that EVERYTHING has a price. Oh, and fuck you too, Florida. What have you done for us in this decade?


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