Monday, December 8, 2008

December 8th, 2008 - Fuck You Number 19

You've got be kidding me?

I had three dear friends get laid off today. These three individuals were three of the hardest working, most knowledge hungry people I've ever known. And I do know. I worked with all three of them during my career. 

Unfortunately, I can't lend my opinion to all three of their situations, however, two of them I can. I can because they were just released from a company I left a short time ago; a firm in which I know they continued to work for. 

These two particular individuals worked on accounts that I worked on. Accounts that I helped build. They regularly had clients screaming their names while bent over the conference room table, in excitement of what they were about to potentially do for their brand. These two weren't hacks. And they weren't "let go" because of their work ethic, experience, or their general demeanor. 

I can tell you why they were fired. 

They were fired because the principal wasn't at all attracted to either one of them. The interesting thing is, one was male, and the other, female. My ex-principal is one of the most shallow people I've ever met. He cares for nothing other than what he looks like. And his staff is representative of that. This was solidified in my mind today, when he fired two very qualified, and talented people, who have been in the business for 2-4 years, and kept one junior employee with five months experience. 

Why? The anonymity of this blog prohibits me from posting a picture of this woman's body. Let's just say even Chuck Norris felt a little pre-cum in his pants when he looked at her picture. 

Fuck you, ex-principal. Need I say more?

Oh, and I hope you read this.


1 comment:

  1. Perhaps he could also be given the "Asshat of 2008" as well as your FUCK YOU?
